Gorillaz demon days album cover instrumental
Gorillaz demon days album cover instrumental

Strange Timez looks at the fucked up world we have now with Trump, Brexit, war, and spreading right-wing totalitarianism while Momentary Bliss is about finding the small puddles of happiness is a crazy world.

gorillaz demon days album cover instrumental

Strange Timez and Momentary Bliss - Bookends to the regular album, the songs present an interesting opposite mood and message yet still act together as two sides of a coin. It's also not a coincidence that 2D takes a back seat on these songs more than the other songs as if Damon is stepping back and allowing others to speak to their experience.Īll the songs dive into these two issues on and off, but that's my surface reading. Pac-Man, How Far, and MLS also cover the unique way 2020 has brought racism and classism to the forefront of cultural discussions. "Pagan" comes back up again on Friday the 13th in a tie in not just to loss but the racism exposed through the pandemic. Beck as the guest on this track is inspired and it totally rocks, one of my favorite tracks on the album. The "relationship" is more metaphorical in nature, more in line with our relationship with humanity and culture than any one person (or persons).Ĭlassism, Racism, and Unrest - We start with Valley of the Pagans, the hedonistic song that takes down uppity white af culture. Desole is the acceptance and regret of what's happened but with an eye towards reconciliation on some level. Aries, Friday 13th, and Dead Butterflies are going through grief, mourning, and substance abuse that comes from the loss of a relationship, of the summer, of deaths, and the world we knew. Pink Phantom is the most direct COVID song, discussing the falling of the relationship against "The Pink Phantom" which, I mean, come on. Chalk Towers reads like a relationship holding together till the next major storm. Yet there is a six-song stretch on the album that covers a relationship unraveling with distance, pressure, and a lost summer. Songs recorded prior to the pandemic, like Aries, touch on isolation and yearning.

gorillaz demon days album cover instrumental

With the info that Pagans and Chalk Tablets coming from prior recording sessions (TNN and Humanz, respectively) I can see how some of the deluxe edition songs would be called up to the main release for a different message.ĬOVID & Loss - Definitely the big shadow over this year it looms large over the album. Of course, Damon couldn't help *massaging* some of those messages by creating some mini-arcs and themes to pick out of the group of songs he decided to release. The "concept" seems to be the Song Machine trucks along throughout the year, dropping new tunes that reflect the moods, artists, attitudes, and sounds of the times. I've been able to listen to the album about three times now but obv I want the final mastering before making final impressions (my files notably had like 3-4 seconds of silence at the end of them, want to listen on vinyl, etc).

Gorillaz demon days album cover instrumental